Orthodontics in Grand Rapids

Orthodontics - Patient Testimonial - Hope

Competent and knowledgeable Orthodontics for all ages

Having crooked teeth can be a cosmetic concern, but it can also cause bite problems that can affect your teeth and gum health, or even your overall health. A straighter smile can make a big difference in your appearance and dental health.

Dr. Mulder provides orthodontic services for young children, teens and adults.* For mildly crooked teeth not requiring braces, there are various appliances available from Dr. Mulder to straighten them. Dr. Mulder evaluates your teeth and uses the orthodontic technique that’s right for you.

Wire brackets for all ages

Dr. Mulder offers tried-and-true wire bracket braces for teeth straightening. Wire brackets are very strong and are the least expensive type of braces. Wire brackets have now replaced the metal bands of earlier generations. Instead of being wrapped around each tooth, they are small and are simply bonded to the front of the tooth.

Ceramic Braces

Brackets made of ceramic have a great esthetic and cosmetic appeal, because they come in varying levels of transparency. They can simulate your natural tooth color or be virtually invisible. Some patients find ceramic brackets more comfortable than metal ones.

  • Orthodontics

    Ceramic braces use aesthetic tooth-colored brackets so that your teeth straightening treatment is less noticeable.

  • Orthodontics

    Dr. Mulder thoroughly explains how teeth straightening works, and makes sure you understand each aspect of the treatment.

Orthodontic options for adults

For adults, having straight teeth can make a great difference in your oral health – and even overall health – because Dr. Mulder does whatever is needed to get your teeth to the proper occlusion, or bite. A properly aligned bite can help prevent many problems such as headaches, teeth grinding, gum problems and other issues.

In addition to both standard wire and ceramic braces to straighten your teeth, Dr. Mulder also provides alternate appliances, retainers and aligners, depending on your situation.

Braces for teens and tweens

OrthodonticsTraditional metal brackets are a good choice for those who have excessive forces in chewing, as they are the most durable type of braces. They’re the most economical and proven method of teeth straightening. They can also be customized with colored bands so your child can express his or her individuality.

With the availability of ceramic braces, your youngster can receive teeth straightening without the self-consciousness of showing metal straighteners in the mouth when smiling or speaking.

Interceptive orthodontics for kids

Early detection and treatment of future orthodontic problems can help prevent the need for other dental procedures later in life. Treatment of such developmental issues is known as interceptive orthodontics. It usually starts when the child has a combination of baby and permanent teeth, around 7-11 years old.

Some of the advantages of Dr. Mulder’s interceptive orthodontic procedures include:

  • Guiding correct jaw growth
  • Lowering the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
  • Guiding permanent teeth into a more favorable position
  • Helping reduce the time, or even need for, braces at a later age
  • Improving appearance and self-esteem

Early signs to look for

There are symptoms of developmental issues that may require interceptive orthodontics for your young one. Some of them are:

  • Difficulty in chewing or biting
  • Mouth-breathing
  • Thumb-sucking or finger-sucking
  • Crowded or crooked teeth
  • Teeth that don’t touch when they are closed
  • Biting the cheek or lips

To make an appointment, call 616.455.8400 or click here to request an appointment online.